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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Everything new on cobra radar detector

Current Weather

Thu, 23 Apr 2009 15:55:41 -0700
Current Weather : Posted by GIR

23 April 2009, PM

Thu, 23 Apr 2009 16:44:23 -0700
NBA Who would have thought that the Bulls would 3 point favorites against the defending NBA champions? They are. I am looking forward to this game; the last two were thrillers and I expect this one to be close too. Science You’ve probably heard that models for the universe contain “extra” dimensions (beyond the usual spatial and time ones) and that many of these are “curled up” so as to be small (spacetime is modeled as an orbifold rather than as a manifold). Here is Cosmic Varia

CultureGrrl’s Politics

Thu, 23 Apr 2009 16:40:03 -0700
From April 21, 2009: Deaccession Legislation: Iowa Museum Director and Nonprofits Attorney Say It’s Time Near the end of my talk last Wednesday at the University of Iowa (where the art museum, best known for its monumental 1943 Pollock , has been permanently closed by flooding), I advocated that the Brodsky bill, designed to regulate deaccessioning in New York State, become a national model. The Brodsky Bill is basically government involvement is the decision making of museums.

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