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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

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EI Politics

Mon, 04 May 2009 09:35:19 -0700
A hallmark of Michael Ignatieff so far as Liberal leader, both actual and interim, has been his penchant to transactional politics; he has so far picked his battles on small and short term policy differences rather that outlining a long-term plan. At the Liberal convention which concluded yesterday in Vancouver, Ignatieff did not spell out his demands, policy outlook or election warnings to the government in his convention speech, he felt that such minor details would be more appropriate for a

Medical News Reporter Launches Pet Sentinel, A Newsletter to Keep Pet Owners Informed

Wed, 11 Apr 2007 00:00:01 -0700

May ‘09 Update

Mon, 04 May 2009 07:03:00 -0700
Another month is in the books, this is my my May update for my net worth. I have had a few developments this past month. You will probably notice that while my total net worth increased so did my mortgage balance. We refinanced our 1st mortgage and rolled some of the closing fees up into the loan. I don’t advocate doing that but we decided to keep our savings up and roll it into the loan. We got a great rate at 4.5% and shaved 7 years off of our loan for basically the same monthly payment, so I

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