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Sunday, June 08, 2008

What you need to know about black jacket

The Washington Times Obama's associations may haunt bid

Sun, 08 Jun 2008 04:08:37 PDT
These days, presidential candidates can expect to have every personal relationship, new or ancient, investigated, and if there's political hay to be made, a version of the details is quickly out. All candidates have their associations questioned, but it's especially true for Mr. Obama, still a newcomer to the national scene. Voters haven't had

Why do You Stay Married?

Fri, 07 Jul 2006 00:00:01 PDT
(PRWEB) July 7, 2006 -- A recent poll asked the question, "Why Do You Stay Married?" Of the 700 people who responded to the poll, 30% stayed together due to love, 30%...